Monday, May 4, 2009

The article I read in the Statesman about the swine flu is very interesting. According to the CDC, the numbers confirmed in Texas are about 43, and no cases reported in Travis County. While the Center for Disease Control still has a lot of testing left to do, the numbers of this deadly flu are expected to rise.

I do feel that this outbreak is serious, but not that extreme. I mean yes, many people are dying from this flu, but thousands die from the flu every year. According to Schuchat,"...there are encouraging signs that, based on genetic research, the virus is not that severe." Considering that I have small children I don't take this out break lightly, but I have not broke out my gas mask.

I also feel that this virus got so much publicity because of something called the media. I do feel the media hypes up everything ten times worse than what it really is. Again the out break is deadly, but a little common cleanliness can go a long way: washing hands frequently, throwing away tissue with germs, and things of that nature.

Another issue is on the governments part. I mean what if this was a much serious out break, would the government be able to handle the situation? Nancy Cox, the CDC's flu chief stated, "the agency is preparing for a vaccine with the new strain of virus should the government decide to proceed with it." I sure hope the government does something before a much worse outbreak takes place here in the United States. I mean I do get that the government is ran by people, who make mistakes like many of us, but too many times little things slip down the cracks and later creates a mess.

In closing I do not feel this swine virus is not all that serious, and I do know like many other flu's it can be unpredictable. While I am not panicking about this virus, I am practicing common cleaning habits, which I do in every day life. I also feel the government needs to put in place something that can and will better protect the American people if a much deadlier virus takes place. I just hope as the years go by the government will do more research on certain diseases, and put in place a vaccine for the later future, just in case.

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